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K-8th Grade

Connect Academy uses the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) system. The ACE Curriculum is a mastery-based, independent study program where each student is dealt with on an individual basis. Upon acceptance to Connect Academy, each student is given a diagnostic test which will determine learning gaps and student performance levels within the different subject levels.


Chromebooks are available to each student for use throughout the day for supplemental classes such as Khan Academy, Everfi, Conversational Spanish, etc. Throughout the year students work at their own rate of comprehension, however, a complete year of work must be completed before students are promoted to the next grade level.


Report Cards


92%-100% = A

83%-91%   = B

75%-82%   = C


The grading system of our school is designed to give parents a true indication of the student's progress or lack thereof


Grades are based on successfully completed PACE's. Students will be promoted upon the completion of one year's work.


Our curriculum is a mastery-based system, which means a grade of at least an 75% must be received on a test before a student can advance in his level. There are 5 main subjects in each grade level. Each subject is divided into 12 bite-sized workbooks, called PACEs. The PACE is divided into 3 parts: work area, checkup (section quiz), and self-test (pre-test). Work in PACEs is done only in pencil. Students are responsible for scoring and correcting their own work. PACEs are private property and are not to be shared among students.


Taking a Test

After a PACE is completed, scored, studied, and a passing grade is received on the self-test; the student will test the following morning. 


**Visit for more about our curriculum.

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